St. Pius V Catholic Church is located in the heart of South St. Louis City, situated at the corner of South Grand Boulevard and Utah Street. St. Pius V serves as an anchor to the surrounding neighborhoods and to the thriving South Grand business district.
Our Mission
St. Pius V is an urban faith community composed of diverse people. Rooted in our neighborhood and with doors open to all, we gather to praise God, proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, foster spiritual growth, teach our children, and love one another. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we work for peace and justice in our city and our world.
Our Community
Founded over 100 years ago to serve Irish immigrants, today St. Pius V is home to nearly 300 diverse Catholic households. Joining us in worship are young and old; families and single households; immigrants and refugees; longtime city residents and new urban pioneers; neighbors who walk to church and those who drive long distances. To be a member of St. Pius V is to be part of both a very local geography and a very global one. Hope thrives in this community that welcomes, offers solace and kinship. People of all backgrounds, lifestyles, and ages participate in the spiritual, educational, social, and service ministries of our church.
Join us today.