Action Opportunity--Join the WIC National Day of Action TODAY
The Women, Infant, and Children Nutrition Program (WIC) provides healthy food like milk, eggs, cereal, peanut butter, and fresh fruit and vegetables to pregnant women and children up to age 5 in households with low incomes. This nutrition support is very important to families who come to our food pantry at St. Pius V.
WIC is facing a dire threat. Funding in both the Senate and House FY 2024 appropriations bills fall dangerously short of what is needed to provide full funding for the program. Without full funding, states would need to reduce WIC participation by about 2 million young children and pregnant and postpartum adults nationwide by September--with harm falling disproportionately on Black and Hispanic families.
The current continuing resolution (CR) that provides funding for WIC is scheduled to expire on January 19th.
On or before Thursday, January 11th, join the WIC National Day of Action:
CALL your Members of Congress to urge them to fully fund WIC. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Ask to talk to Senator Hawley and Senator Schmitt.
Share Missouri's estimate of the WIC funding shortfall (an estimated 27,000 people would be turned away) to bring home the potential harm.
Thanks for taking action. It is important that we support our food pantry, but it is equally
important to advocate for greater justice and systemic change. Please make these calls today!
-Ruth Ehresman, St.Pius V SVDP team