Ask the Governor to Veto Senate Bill 4
During the week of March 10, the leadership of the Missouri House of Representatives fast-tracked Senate Substitute #2 for Senate Bill 4 (SB 4), all the way from a hearing in the House Utilities Committee to the governor’s desk.
While Gov. Kehoe has indicated that he plans to sign SB 4, CCM is sending a letter asking for a veto because SB 4 weakens current consumer protections and will increase the energy burden many families already experience. Consumers Council of Missouri (CCM) projects that SB 4 will increase our utility bills from monopoly investor-owned utility companies by at least $1,115 annually when fully phased in.
This article from St. Louis Public Radio's website does a great job summarizing nine major changes in SB 4. Construction Work in Progress (CWIP) forces us to pay for power plants while they are being built, socializing risk while privatizing profits. Missourians voted to ban CWIP in 1976, so SB 4 overturns the will of the people. Future Test Year is not in the interest of the ratepayer, replacing actual audited expenses in ratemaking with projected budgets. This reduces incentives to be frugal.
It is important to register our objection to this injustice. We ask you to immediately join us in asking for a veto by:
1) Calling the Governor’s Office at 573-751-3222; or
2) Emailing Gov. Kehoe by using the contact form on his website:
Please contact Gov. Kehoe’s office today. Letters to the editor or your local daily or weekly newspaper are also encouraged.