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Gratitude for Migration Mass!

What a spectacular celebration of the World Day of Migrants and Refugees we had yesterday! Thank you so much for pitching in to make our Migration Mass and potluck a huge success! You are the hands, feet, and voices of Christ evangelizing the world. We could not have done this without all of you. Thank you to all of the liturgical ministers and those who helped organize the Mass; our singers, musicians, and those who joined in the processions; and all who prepared, cooked, and cleaned for our potluck lunch. I know many of you put in many hours and made sacrifices to contribute, and I am grateful for that. I also want to make special note that your volunteer efforts helped us to live out our call to care for Creation as we greatly limited our waste by washing dishes instead of throwing them in the landfill. Thank you to the members of St. Pius community for leading us in our efforts and providing an example of collaboration and hard work. I am also grateful to those who came from parishes beyond St. Pius to make the collective mission of the Immigrant & Refugee Ministry a reality. Thank you to the immigrants and refugees in our community who share their beautiful cultural gifts with everyone. Thank you all for your witness of a diverse community united in God’s love!

I am happy to hear your thoughts and suggestions about the Migration Mass.

Kevin Kuehl, Immigrant & Refugee Ministry Coordinator,

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