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Invitation to Participate: All Things New Transition Team

After a year of considering objective data about parishes in the Archdiocese, and considering input from parishioners, pastors and diocesan level planners, the Archbishop will announce final plans for All things New on May 28, Pentecost.

We have assurance that St. Pius V and St. Vincent de Paul parishes will become a pastorate with Fr. Rich Wehrmeyer, a Vincentian priest, as our pastor. Leadership will be shared by a Parish Life Coordinator. Celeste Mueller is the Interim Parish Life Coordinator, and a permanent Coordinator will be hired.

Many decisions will need to be made over the next 4-6 months. A Transition Team comprised of parishioners from both parishes is being identified.

The nucleus of the current Team are volunteers from the former parish council: Gen Cassani, SSND, Jenn Gravert, Stan Jackson, and Ben Smyth; and from the All things New Team: Paul Lynch and Cathy Vetter, CCVI. Ruth Ehresman was invited to join the Team considering her responsibilities in several areas of parish life and ministry.

The core members already identified extend an invitation to you, our fellow parish community members, to consider joining the Transition Team. The role of the Transition Team includes, but is not limited to

  • Carefully and thoughtfully listening to the parish community

  • Being grounded and responding non-judgmentally to the variety of emotions members of the parish are experiencing

  • Providing leadership in discernment processes

  • Participating in hiring the permanent Parish Life Coordinator

If you feel you are called to servant leadership and have sufficient flexibility in your schedule to make a 4 to 6-month commitment as a member of the Transition Team, please let us know by May 28.

You may contact Fr. Paul or any of the current members of the Transition Team to let us know of your willingness to serve.

Thank you very much for considering this invitation.

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