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You're Invited: Parish-Wide Meeting on April 7

The members of the St. Pius V parish pastoral council invite all parishioners to a parish-wide, town hall-style meeting with our Parish Life Coordinator, Cheryl Archibald, and our Pastor, Fr. Rich Wehrmeyer, on Sunday, April 7.

Our Ongoing Transition

After All Things New ended last August, our Archdiocese and our parish continued to transition into new identities and communities. 

We've experienced many changes, including welcoming new staff, new priests from the Vincentian order, new commissions, new parish council members, and, we're happy to say, almost 20 new parishioners registered through our website since last year.

Along with all of these new gains, we've also experienced losses—parishioners, staff, and priests who have left, the move of our Myanmar community to a different parish, and a smaller number of parishes that sponsor our school, St. Frances Cabrini Academy. 

Meeting Purpose

As we partner with St. Vincent de Paul, we are eager to establish open and regular communication about what changes have already happened and what is being planned for the future. We have been hearing parishioners’ questions about some of these changes, and see an opportunity to gather together to ask questions, alleviate confusion, give voice to our parish needs and desires, help us know each other better, and encourage us to shape the future of our parish together.


We hope you will join us on Sunday, April 7, in Singler Hall, at 12:00 p.m.


Submit Your Questions

In the meantime, we invite you to submit questions in advance. In this week's bulletin, you'll find the meeting announcement with a QR code that will take you directly to the form. You can also access the form using this link:

The parish council will collate responses and invite Cheryl and Fr. Rich to offer information and clarity about our transition, and then we'll have time for parishioners to ask additional questions or share thoughts.

We hope to see you all soon.

St. Pius V Parish Pastoral Council Members:

Rose Ehresman

Vince Estrada

Maureen Fox

Melody Gee

Jennifer Gravert

Katrina Orlet

James Skinner

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